Sweet Souls Care
Meet Mare * Your Animal Loving Guide
SweetSoulsCare was formed while watching my horse intuitively play with a non verbal child, all on his own. It reminded me that we are all entangled, whether we like it not, and how despite all our circumstances, in this case, an anxious feral horse and a disabled child. Instinctively, he was gentle and hyper aware of their very breath. Allowing them to explore the delicate whiskers under his chin and on his nose, standing as still as a statue, breathing in their scent. He nickers; they laughed. Connection. Magic.
I am Mare Ebner, an initiate of the Pachamama Mesa shamanic tradition, a spiritual coach, herbalist, metaphysician, kitchen witch and critter shepherd.
I offer guidance through mediumship and often may use certain tools like tarot cards or astrology or numerology to assist.
For legal purposes, all of this is for entertainment purposes only.
Spiritual coaching may include readings, astrology, numerology, ritual, or ceremony.
Fee based on time.